heuhh minggu depan udah ujian praktek aja-__- cepet banget yaa u_u Ujian praktek bener-bener susah-susah gampang! tapi lebih mending sih di banding Ujian tulis. Mana ujian praktek bahasa Inggris disuruh buat pidato lagi. Di hapal pula!!! watdepak banget-__- Setiap siswa dapet judul yang berbeda dan kita mencari atau membuat pidato yang berkaitan dengan judul yang telah diberikan. Oke gue dapetnya 'Increase of children welfare' atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya berarti 'Meningkatkan kesejahteraan anak'. So, check this out!
Title: Increase of children welfare
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
the presence of God's grace has given blessing so that we can be present in this place eith good health.
know that the welfare of children need to be noticed more in-depth.
Attention is more profound for children is our common task as mandated
in Article 34 UUD 1945 to look after the poor and abandoned children.
The issue of children is not a new problem but it is a classic problem
that continues to grow in line with the development of an increasingly
complex society. In the past, the issue of children and implementation
of social welfare for children is relatively simple so that the
development of neglected children, orphans, children orphaned and
abandoned orphans can be handled by orphanages such as the Children's
Social Care Children.
Today we are faced with more complex
problems which include problems of street children, trafficked
children, child prostitution and children victims of domestic violence.
If further review, the issue of children is also triggered by a cycle of
poverty such as low levels of education, health and malnutrition rates
in the domestic environment. Repair and improvement of the status of the
community towards a better life we continue to try through various
programs such as health care and improved nutrition for the poor and
help 9-year compulsory education. Improvement programs we hope to break
the cycle of poverty so that poverty is not passed on from generation to
generation. Such programs still need to be coupled with other efforts
over the child to touch the problem itself.
The issue of
children is a matter of our nation's future, therefore the
responsibility of us all to give greater attention. Besides using the
child's social services funding from the government budget (APBN)
managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs
We all realize
that the problem of neglected children in the community is not only the
task of Ministry of Social Affairs but need support from various
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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